Roundcube Webmail with PGP Print

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To use PGP with our webmail client Roundcube you have also the option to use it with the Engima PGP plugin. Follow the steps below to create or import your PGP key.

Create your PGP Key

1. Log in into Roundcube and click on "Settings".

2. Click on "PGP Keys"

3. Check your Identity, check your Key type (2048 is enough), and enter your password which is needed th encrypt and decrypt messages.

4. Don. You have created your PGP key.

Use your PGP Key

To send encrypted messages it is important that you share your key with others and you need the key from your communication partner. To write a encrypted message, share your key or sign a message click on "Compose". On the right you see a PGP menu where you can attach your public key if you want to share it with others. You can encrypt this message for the recipient or you can just sign your message.

If a message is decrypted it should look like below.

If you don't have the key for the decryption it looks like this.


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