Mynymbox Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) covers the Customer’s general use of the Services if not otherwise defined by Terms of Service (TOS) Agreement. Doing, causing or allowing (whether by act or omission) any of the following, and/or any direct or indirect aiding or abetting of any person or entity to do, cause or allow (whether by act or omission) any of the following, is considered a violation of our AUP and of the TOS Agreement between Mynymbox and the Customer:
Prohibited Content in general
Certain content is prohibited. You are responsible for any transmitted or accessed content using our network. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data, or material violating any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. You may not use our network to facilitate the violation of any particular law or regulation or this Acceptable Use Policy. The activities listed below are meant to provide examples of activities and content strictly prohibited by this Acceptable Use Policy, and the list is not exhaustive. Using our services to host content related to or to engage in the following activities is strictly prohibited and will end with a immediately service termination without refund.
- Adult content
- Illegal Markets (selling drugs, weapons, porn, hacking services, ...)
- Child porn
- Any activity that can lead to the IP being blocked by organizations such as Spamhaus
- Any websites associated with hacks or cheats
- Botnet controllers
- Brute-force attacks
- DoS/DDoS attacks
- Unallowed Network Scans
- Illegal pharmaceutical websites
- IP Spoofing Attacks
- Mass emailing (users should use a professional mailing service instead)
- Phishing/scam sites
- Posting or transmitting illegal, threatening, obscene, or defamatory content
- Posting, transmitting, re-transmitting, or storing material that violates any law or regulation of The United States, Germany, or the country you choose as a server location, including copyrighted materials, trade secret, patent, or other intellectual property laws
- Selling pharmaceuticals or weapons without a license
- Sending unsolicited mail or spam to individuals who did not request it, were not previous customers, or with whom the customer has no existing business relationship
- SIP Scanners
- Soliciting mail or email addresses with the intent to harass or collect replies
- Terrorism or hate speech
- The sale or distribution of replica items
- Unauthorized use or forging of mail header information
- Virus / Trojan / Malware Distribution
- Vulnerability scanners
- Crypto Mining
Domain Names
Domain names that are purchased for the purpose of phishing, spamming, impersonation of known brands/trademarks, etc is strictly prohibited. Domain name purchases should be for legal / lawful use only. We manually screen all domain registration orders and will not process any order that is created with obvious ill-intent.
If you think your site may violate our Acceptable Use Policy, please ask us before signing up for an account so that we may determine if we can host your site. Mynymbox reserves the right to determine what is and what isn’t acceptable on our network.
Forward any abuse reports to or open a ticket here.
For any questions, please contact us.